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Magnesium and Probiotics: Two Easy Ways to Boost Heart Health

When most people think about the health benefits of magnesium or probiotics, heart health is probably one of the last things that come to mind. However, magnesium and probiotics are two types of nutraceutical products that may be able to drastically improve your heart health.

Magnesium and Probiotics for Heart Health

Magnesium, which has a plethora of diverse health benefits, is commonly taken for its calming properties and ability to improve one’s mood. Probiotics, on the other hand, are almost always taken to help improve gut health. However, If you want to improve your heart health, magnesium and probiotics are also two nutraceutical products for you to consider. Even better, it is not really even necessary for you to take supplements, as you can consume enough probiotics and magnesium in your diet. A simple diet change can help drastically improve your body in many ways, including your mood, gut health, and heart health to name a few.

Magnesium and Heart Health

If you’re an athlete, you already know how critical magnesium is for muscle health. Higher magnesium levels are required for people who are physically active, to ensure that their muscles can function properly. So, what about your body’s most vital muscle? Magnesium deficiency in the diet is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. This is because magnesium feeds the heart, preserves the heart’s pump, helps avoid heart attacks, and gives flexibility to the heart and blood arteries. Furthermore, magnesium can help to protect the heart from the stress experienced when exercising.

Your heart has to work every second of every day to keep you alive, which requires an extensive amount of energy. This needs an enormous amount of energy. ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is the energy source for your heart. It is derived from the food you consume, especially glucose from carbs. However, without magnesium, ATP cannot be synthesized. Magnesium is required for all three steps of glucose to ATP conversion. Once synthesized, ATP must be attached to a magnesium ion before being utilized by the body; magnesium is included in each ATP molecule.

According to a 2016 study, magnesium helps prevent calcium buildup in the heart and circulation. This is a risk factor for cardiovascular mortality and a sign of atherosclerosis. Individuals with the most excellent serum magnesium levels had a 42% reduced risk of coronary artery calcification than those from the lowest serum magnesium levels. Additionally, they had a 48% reduced risk of hypertension and a 69% lower risk of myotonic dystrophy.

Probiotics and Heart Health

As it turns out, probiotics can do much more for you than merely improve your gut health. Studies have continued to unfold how probiotics can help to improve your mood, boost your immune system and even help to improve your heart health. For starters, probiotics can help to improve blood health and even help to lower blood pressure, which are both good for heart health. Moreover, probiotics are also able to help improve your cholesterol, which can also help improve your blood health. While the exact reason is not entirely clear yet and more human studies are needed, it is clear that probiotics can indirectly and perhaps directly improve one’s heart health in a wide variety of ways.  

Studies have also focused on whether probiotics can help to prevent serious heart issues such as cardiovascular diseases. One of the clearest benefits of probiotics is their ability to help lower LDL cholesterol levels, which can certainly improve heart health and potentially help to prevent cardiovascular diseases. We anticipate that there may be more clarity on how probiotics can improve heart health in the future, as more studies have focused on supplements such as CoQ10 for example.  

How to Get Enough Probiotics and Magnesium in Your Diet

It is possible to get enough magnesium and probiotics naturally in your diet, although it takes careful planning. Many people are not getting enough magnesium and probiotics though, especially in western countries where the diet contains an abundance of processed foods.

Hypomagnesaemia is often underdiagnosed for a wide variety of reasons, mainly because it is difficult to measure magnesium levels since magnesium is stored in the blood and bones. As a result, it is often ideal for people to take magnesium supplements if possible. Probiotics are much more complicated. It takes a long time for them to start having a meaningful impact on one’s health, and they impact everyone differently. Therefore, it is best to start introducing probiotics into your diet slowly and to see how your body reacts. In most cases, it is probably best to consult with a doctor if you are going a more extreme route and want to start taking probiotic supplements.


Some of the best types of foods to eat if you want to consume more probiotics include kimchi, yogurt, sauerkraut, miso soup, kombucha, and tempeh. As mentioned before, it may be better to focus on foods instead of supplements and to spend time seeing how your body reacts to increased probiotic consumption.


Getting enough magnesium naturally in your diet is much simpler. Some types of magnesium-rich foods include nuts, tofu, seeds, bananas, leafy greens, and some types of fish. There are not very many adverse effects associated with excessive magnesium consumption.

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