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A glass of spirulina mixed with water. Spirulina is a type of algae that may have some health benefits.

Why Nutraceutical Companies Should Rely on Organic Content

Nutraceutical companies can benefit if they create high-quality content on their website. Doing this can help these companies boost their traffic and connect with users. If you can develop a solid SEO strategy, paying for organic content is cheaper than using...

Dropper of CBD oil. CBD is one of many different cannabinoids.

CBD and Epilepsy

This is a white paper that will discuss CBD and epilepsy, and some of the current studies. CBD Becoming Mainstream Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by seizures that vary in intensity. Such episodes may cause your arms and legs to...


Different types of Ayurvedic Products

This white paper explores some of the different Ayurvedic products that are currently available. Ayurvedic Medicine Overview Ayurvedic medicine is a verified alternative to conventional medical interventions. According to this practice, your health is tied to three energies or Doshas. As...


South America Nutraceuticals White Paper

This white paper will provide an overview of popular nutraceutical products that come from South America. Many of these products are sold as fresh fruit in these countries. However, consumers in western countries can purchase these products as supplements or powders....

Photo of Valerian root.

Nutraceuticals and Sleep

Stressful and uncertain times tend to keep us up at night. Even before the days of Covid, the stress of daily life made it difficult for millions to shut down in the evening. Nearly 25% of Americans reported long periods of...


Nutraceuticals for Heart Health White Paper

Medical conditions of the heart are steadily rising across different states though they can be preventable in some cases. Heart disease is currently the leading cause of death in the United States and accounts for nearly one in every four deaths....


White Paper: Nutraceuticals and Mental Health

Whitepaper Overview This whitepaper ( attached) covers a list of some of the top nutraceutical products that can be used to improve your mental health. Many types of nutraceutical products could be responsible for improving one’s mental health. An unhealthy diet...


Nutraceuticals and Hypertension

Overview Your heart drives blood to multiple organs in your body. Your heart’s robust muscles move blood through major blood vessels and produce enough force to push the fluid into smaller veins that deliver this life-sustaining fluid to different body parts....


Should you take CoQ10 Supplements for Fibromyalgia?

Many consumers choose to take CoQ10 supplements for fibromyalgia when other solutions have not worked for them. This blog post will cover some of the stated health benefits of CoQ10 supplements, and discuss whether they may be able to reduce the...
