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Taking CoQ10 for Heart Health

Many Americans are taking CoQ10 for heart health, and it’s not hard to see why. Heart failure is one of the leading causes of death in the country. In 2018, 13.4% of all death certificates mentioned heart failure. An estimated 6.2 million Americans are currently suffering from heart failure. Despite how it sounds, you don’t suddenly drop dead if you are diagnosed with heart failure. It is a progressive condition caused by the heart’s reduced ability to pump blood and oxygen, but it is treatable.

There is a wide range of treatment options for heart failure. The more heart failure progresses, the more invasive these options become. Doctors may recommend lifestyle changes and medications to manage the condition and reduce the need for a surgical solution. CoQ10 is a nutraceutical product that may also be taken as a supplement for heart failure.

The Role of CoQ10 for Heart Health

Coenzyme Q10 (or CoQ10) is an important chemical that helps cells generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is an energy source that powers almost all of the human body’s processes. The heart, liver, and kidneys have the highest levels of CoQ10 because they require a lot of energy to function normally. CoQ10 is also a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory effects that occurs naturally in protein sources like meat and nuts, although not in high enough concentrations to impact the amount of CoQ10 in one’s body.

Serious cardiac conditions like heart failure are characterized by low levels of CoQ10. Researchers theorized that taking CoQ10 for heart health can help bring cells in the heart out of a low energy state. A comprehensive review of a randomized controlled trial published by the American Heart Association in 2016 found that patients at risk for heart failure had fewer cardiac events while taking CoQ10 as a supplement.

Should You Take CoQ10 Supplements for heart Health?

This is encouraging news since many effective therapeutics for heart failure often come at the price of additional conditions like renal dysfunction. Taking CoQ10 for heart failure can provide an energy boost to heart cells without putting too much stress on other systems.

MayoClinic rates CoQ10 as a “generally safe” supplement with very few side effects. As a supplement with real benefits backed by evidence, CoQ10 should be considered as a relatively cheap and safe way to slow the progression of heart failure. However, one shouldn’t deviate from their current treatment plan and should consult their doctor before taking CoQ10 as a regular supplement.

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