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Health Benefits of Wheat Germ

People from around the world have been consuming wheat germ for thousands of years, due to the numerous health benefits of wheat germ. Wheat germ is currently found in many types of dishes commonly found in countries throughout the world.  Grains are now a standard part of a healthy, well-balanced diet.   Wheat germ is filled with many types of minerals, including zinc, magnesium, calcium, manganese, and phosphorous.  Notably, wheat germ only makes up around 3% of the wheat berry and is the most nutritious part. 

Some of Wheat Germ’s Health Benefits

Because of its favorable nutritional profile, wheat germ may be able to help boost your immune system, lower your cholesterol, and help in many other ways.  Wheat germ also has a very high amount of Vitamin E, a crucial antioxidant that has numerous health benefits.   Finally, wheat germ is also abundant in many types of B Vitamins, as well as protein. The health benefits of wheat germ are very abundant, yet wheat germ is not a common part of everyone’s diet.  The wheat germ oil market, for example, is projected to grow by 16% per annum through 2026.

Helps Boost the Immune System

Wheat germ can help your immune system battle a variety of ailments because it helps to boost your immune system. Wheat germ has been shown in some studies to improve antioxidative defense, although in many cases it was unable to help improve lipid profiles. By destroying disease-causing free radicals and bacteria in the body, antioxidants reduce or eliminate the likelihood of a person becoming very ill. High quantities of these hydrolysates have been found in wheat germ, suggesting they may help boost the immune system’s production of antioxidants.  Furthermore, wheat germ is also highly abundant in zinc, which has been shown to help boost the body’s immune system.

Heart Health

According to several studies, wheat germ and whole-grain wheat can help to reduce the risk of someone developing coronary heart disease and can also improve their overall cardiovascular health. LDL cholesterol is oxidized cholesterol, and as a result, it builds up in the arteries and veins. Cardiovascular disease and stroke are two prevalent symptoms and outcomes of this condition, which lead to many deaths every year. Dietary fiber, which is found in wheat germ, has also been associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Wheat germ contains octacosanol, which has been found to lower cholesterol levels and, as a result, the risk of stroke and other life-threatening problems.   Finally, wheat germ is abundant in omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin E, both of which can help with heart health, although there seems to be more evidence supporting Omega 3’s role in maintaining heart health.

Muscle Health

Wheat germ may be a popular choice for many types of athletes, as it can help to improve their athletic performance.  Wheat germ has been shown to have large quantities of naturally occurring octacosanol, which possesses ergogenic properties. This implies that, when added to one’s diet regularly, it can assist boost one’s stamina or performance by regulating the molecular processes that create energy. The scientific support for the wheat germ as a performance-enhancing dietary option is modest to weak even though these effects have been experimentally verified several times.

One of the main reasons wheat germ may help in this manner is because of its high protein content, which implies that wheat germ may simply be on par with other nutraceutical products with an abundant amount of protein, rather than a unique solution to this issue. Protein has a lengthy list of health benefits, and fortunately, wheat germ is an excellent source of protein. There’s some evidence to suggest that protein aids in muscle health, tissue repair, energy regulation, homeostasis, and overall system balance. People who desire to get in shape and build muscle may find that protein is integral to their diet. 

Metabolism and Weight Loss

Wheat germ’s favorable nutritional profile may also help to boost your metabolism, and therefore be added to your diet to help with weight loss goals.  Notably, wheat germ also helps provide the body with an ample amount of zinc, folic acid, and iron, packaged in a low-calorie dose, which makes it convenient for those who want to lose weight by restricting calories versus intense exercise.  Notably, wheat germ may be better at helping to prevent weight gain according to some studies, rather than helping you to lose weight.  Other nutraceutical products to investigate if you are interested in losing weight naturally include Garcinia Cambogia or even green tea.

An abundance of B Vitamins

Wheat germ also contains B-vitamins, a group of vitamins that includes numerous distinct vitamins. Niacin, thiamine, or folates are the most frequent B vitamins contained in wheat germ. Diets high in these vitamins can aid in converting sugar and fat into usable energy in cells. Thiamine can also help with conditions like persistent obesity and other metabolic diseases. Metabolic health implies more natural energy, better results in weight reduction and fitness, and more attentiveness. In addition to wheat germ, B vitamins are present in a wide variety of whole grains.

Thiamin is a very important B vitamin that has a plethora of health benefits and helps your body turn food into energy.  Thiamin also helps to release sepsis, which can help the body to fight infections.  Thiamin can also help with issues such as diabetes and heart health, and may even be able to improve cognitive functioning and mental health.  Wheat germ’s thiamin content is therefore one of its most favorable characteristics.  The Thiamin supplement market is also growing at a very rapid rate, and this could be another option for nutraceutical consumers who are more focused on the health benefits of B Vitamins.

May Help With Diabetes

Wheat germ’s high folic acid content may have an unintended side effect on diabetics. To put it another way, studies show that folate has a negative relationship with a substance in the body known as “homocysteine,” which has been associated with several hazardous illnesses such as vascular disease, type 2 diabetes, or heart disease. Folic acid may be found in a wide variety of whole grains, with the highest concentration in wheat germ. By eating wheat germ in typical, healthy amounts, you’ll likely lower your homocysteine levels, which might minimize your risk of getting certain medical disorders.

Notes on Side Effects

Wheat germ is an excellent, relatively unknown, nutraceutical product, which can help with a variety of health issues. Wheat germ oil may be the best option for you to consider. Definitely check out the health benefits of various B vitamins, Vitamin E as well as Omega 3, as wheat germ contains all of these.

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