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The Health Benefits of Green Tea

The health benefits of green tea are abundant and well known by many people. Green tea, as well as other nutraceutical products which contain green tea, has gained massive traction in recent years due to this fact. One of the most notable health benefits of green tea includes the abundant antioxidants, which provide a plethora of health benefits and can potentially help us avoid serious health conditions. Green tea can also help with weight loss, cognitive function, and other health issues. As a result, the green tea market will likely grow by over 7% through 2028, as companies begin to increasingly launch green tea nutraceutical products.

The Health Benefits of Green Tea

There are plenty of reasons for you to ditch your coffee or other sweetened drinks, and instead, drink unsweetened green tea on a daily basis.

Green Tea Benefits Your Brain in Many Ways

Green tea does more than just keep you alert, it may also help boost cognitive function. Have trouble with slow brain activity? Do you space out all the time at work or school? Regular green time consumption might just be what you need to begin operating sharply again. Green tea is more than just refreshment, it is a medicinal beverage that can help keep your brain active and alert all the time. By having caffeine content, green tea is a great stimulant for brain activity, Caffeine increases the performance of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine. As a result, you will feel more energized and stable after drinking some green tea, and can also avoid the crashes and jitteriness that results from drinking too much coffee.

Notably, studies have shown the cognitive health benefits of green tea consumption are actually pretty diverse.  Green tea can help you feel more awake and alert, and it can also improve your cognitive function, resulting in better memory.  Moreover, green tea also has a calming effect, which can help reduce the symptoms of anxiety.  These effects are likely the combination of caffeine and the antioxidant properties of green tea.

Green Tea Burns Fat and Helps Weight Loss

You’ve heard the stories. Take Green tea for weight loss.  Does it really work?

Well, there actually is some truth to this. There are lots of scientific studies done on the subject to prove the efficacy of this. Green tea is a great fat-burning supplement that helps to reduce weight due to increased metabolic activity.

Studies have also shown that people who drink hot tea ( unsweetened) are less likely to be overweight. One can also note that countries that consume higher levels of green tea, as opposed to soft drinks, have lower issues with obesity.  For example, around 30% of Americans are obese, while only around 3% of people in Japan are obese.  While factors such as diet and exercise are obviously at play here, it is clear that one can improve their health and potentially lose weight by drinking green tea instead of other unhealthy drinks.

Lower the risk of cancer

Green tea is a great antioxidant. That being the case it can play a great role in reducing oxidative damage. Cancerous diseases are mainly due to the overproduction of cells in the body thus making it a deadly disease. By reducing oxidative damage, you remove the chances of contaminating chronic cancerous diseases. Green tea can lower the risk of suffering from cancerous conditions such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer.

An article published in 2006 by Yale University made an interesting discovery.  People in Asia had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, despite the fact that more people smoke in Asia.  The conclusion was that green tea likely plays a role in preventing cancer.

Improves Oral Health

Green tea benefits your oral health due to its ability to suppress the growth of bacteria, potentially lowering the risk of infections. Streptococcus mutans is a common bacterium in the mouth. It causes plaque formation and is a leading contributor to cavities and tooth decay.  One study showed that green tea could be equally effective as other types of mouth rinses.

Green tea consumption can also lead to a reduced risk of plaque and cavities, and can also result in better breath.  While green tea is not a replacement for brushing your teeth and going to the dentist, it has still been clearly established as a favorable addition to improved oral health. Having good oral health is also very important, as it can also potentially impact your gut health as well.

Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular Diseases including heart disease and stroke, are the leading causes of death worldwide. Green tea may improve some of the main risk factors for these diseases, which include improving total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Green tea also increases the antioxidant capacity of the blood, which protects the LDL particles from oxidation, which is one part of the pathway toward heart disease. Given the beneficial effects on risk factors, it may not be surprising that people who drink green tea have up to a 31% lower risk of dying from a cardiovascular disease

Good For The Skin

Made from the lightly steamed fresh leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, green tea has been used for medicinal purposes in some parts of the world for thousands of years. The benefits of green tea range from boosting brain function to promoting weight loss. But green tea doesn’t only have properties that improve the mind and body. It can also benefit the skin, which is why it’s often included as an ingredient in many types of beauty products.

Studies have shown that green tea can also help improve your skin health.  Moreover, green tea can be applied to your skin to help relieve scratches, cuts, or sunburns. However, some of the green tea skin products may not actually contain enough green tea, so be sure to check this out to make sure you are enjoying the full health benefits of green tea.

The Takeaway

Green tea is one nutraceutical product that you can’t afford to miss out on.  The health benefits of green tea are very clearly established, as it has been studied for decades.  It appears that there is compelling evidence that green tea consumption can help reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.  Green tea can also help with weight loss and can improve your oral health as well.  In our view, these health benefits of green tea are much more significant as compared to other claimed health benefits such as improved skin health.  Finally, more research may reveal that green tea may be able to improve your gut health as well, making it a favorable addition to nutraceutical products such as probiotics.

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