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Health Benefits of Bacillus Coagulans

This article will discuss the health benefits of Bacillus coagulans, which is a type of probiotic. It generates lactic acid, although it is not the same as Lactobacillus, a kind of probiotic. During its reproductive life cycle, B. coagulans may produce spores. This is in contrast to Lactobacillus and several other probiotics. This feature enables B. coagulans to go dormant under severe settings that might otherwise kill off other probiotics. As a result, this type of bacteria can resist harsh conditions, such as high amounts of acid in the stomach. As a result, B. coagulans may be very beneficial in treating stomach upset and other disorders.  It can also be beneficial when used to treat irritable bowel syndrome.  As we have discussed before, the probiotics market is very intriguing and a great place to look for those examining how nutraceutical products can help with stomach issues.

Health Benefits of Bacillus Coagulans

There isn’t enough information to determine how Bacillus coagulans could be used in medicine. Some animal studies suggest that Bacillus coagulans may improve immune system performance and reduce dangerous microorganisms.  However, some of the more commonly known health benefits of Bacillus coagulans are backed by studies and are in line with the health benefits of probiotics. There are also other, well know health benefits of Bacillus, including its ability to potentially help with respiratory tract infections.

Both animal and human research have been conducted on B. coagulans. The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database of the United States National Library of Medicine has given this probiotic inadequate evidence grades for efficacy. Some fair trials have shown clear advantages, but B. coagulans has to be investigated more.

Continue reading to discover more about the potential health benefits of B. coagulans products.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

B. coagulans reduced bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, and stool frequency in individuals with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome and improved their quality of life in various clinical studies (IBS). In IBS patients, a combination of simethicone as well as B. coagulans improved bloating and pain. Participants who received a symbiotic containing B. coagulans benefited much more than those who received a placebo.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Many types of nutraceutical products help with inflammation and can help to reduce the symptoms of many types of health issues, including arthritis. One randomized controlled trial examined the anti-inflammatory properties of B. coagulans in 45 men and women experiencing rheumatoid arthritis. For two months, participants received the probiotic along with their regular medicine. Participants that took B. coagulans reported reduced impairment when compared to the placebo group. They were also better able to engage in everyday activities like lengthy walks.

Constipation and Gas in the Stomach

For two weeks, Japanese research examined individuals’ bowel motions and fecal characteristics. These people had a self-described constipation problem. Participants were randomly assigned to either a proprietary strain of B. coagulans lilac-01 including soy okara powder or a placebo containing just soy okara powder. Those who were given B. coagulans had a better gut function.

Sixty-one people were tested in a short trial to see how a proprietary B. coagulans strain performed compared to a placebo in terms of post-meal gas-related symptoms. Flatulence, stomach distension, and abdominal discomfort were among the symptoms. Those who got the probiotic saw excellent pain relief. When compared to the placebo group, they also experienced a significant improvement in abdominal distension.

How to Consume Bacillus Coagulans

Bacillus coagulans is also available as a supplement in capsules and gel caps. For those with dietary requirements, vegan and vegetarian options are available. Bacillus coagulans capsules and gel caps, for the most part, contain the bacterium in its spore form, which gets activated in the intestines.

Bacillus coagulans may be found in a variety of foods, which is perhaps the most incredible method to get it into your diet. This bacterium may be found in fermented foods, including yogurt, sauerkraut, and especially tepache, a tasty, traditional Mexican beverage comparable to kombucha but with additional nutrients.

Fermented foods are very healthful and may benefit both your digestive and immune systems. Because Bacillus coagulans is naturally found in fermented foods, consuming them daily is the gentlest and least disruptive approach to introducing this bacterium to your body.

Buying Bacillus Coagulans

Below are some popular bacillus coagulans products, including bacillus coagulans supplements and other nutraceutical products.

Bacillus Coagulans: Supplements

Probiotic supplements are a popular option for consumers who do not want to consume foods that contain probiotics.

Bacillus Coagulans: Powder

This product is also available in powder form.

Final Thoughts

Bacillus coagulans is a fantastic probiotic that can be added to your diet to enhance digestive function and increase your immune system. There are a few possible hazards linked with this probiotic, and that is why you should see your doctor before starting to take Bacillus coagulans regularly if you want to take this as a supplement. Bacillus coagulans may be consumed in two ways: as a supplement capsule or in fermented foods which naturally contain bacillus coagulans.

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