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What Are The Health  Benefits Of Moringa Powder, And Is The Hype Justified?

The health benefits of Moringa powder are very intriguing.  Moringa powder is abundant in key vitamins and minerals that are essential for your health.

Moringa powder is made from the dried leaves of the Moringa tree. Scientifically referred to as Moringa oleifera, the Moringa is a native of Northern India. The tree is also found in parts of Africa, Asia, and South America. The Moringa tree is one of the most nutritious plants. It has been used for centuries as a health and cosmetic supplement, and its benefits are immense. The moringa tree is also known as the drumstick tree, miracle tree, ben oil tree, or horseradish tree. The plant contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals which are beneficial to our health. These include; Vitamins A, B, and C, Magnesium, iron, Phosphorous, Potassium and calcium. Moringa Powder is also rich in antioxidants. The combination of these Vitamins and Antioxidants all are responsible for the health benefits of Moringa powder.

Health Benefits of Moringa Powder

Below are some of the main health benefits of Moringa powder.

Improves Skin Health

Moringa powder is packed with vitamins and minerals. These substances are essential for healthy and radiant skin. The nutritional profile also reduces the effects of aging. Moringa powder also has detoxifying properties. And it is ideally used to treat skin infections and sores.  Vitamin E in particular has been shown to help benefit your skin health.

Helps with Inflammation

Inflammation is an immune response to foreign substances in our bodies. It may occur due to injury, an irritant, or a pathogenic organism. Typically, inflammation is part of the healing process. Moringa powder contains polyphenols and isothiocyanates, which are responsible for lowering inflammation. Moringa reduces inflammation in cells by suppressing the inflammatory enzymes in the body.  One study demonstrated that the anti-inflammatory properties of Moringa powder allowed it to help reduce the symptoms of colitis.

Abundant in Antioxidants

Antioxidants are essential for preventing the effect of free radicals on cells. They also contribute to repairing damaged cells. Moringa is known to have one of the highest antioxidant contents; its antioxidant levels are comparable to antioxidant-packed foods such as matcha. Antioxidants help counter oxidative stress caused by high levels of free radicals in the body, linked to various chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes. Taking moringa powder is a sure way to protect you from free radical damage, which can accelerate the aging process.

Moringa Powder is Nutritious

Most foods provide just a single nutrient, like vitamin A in carrots, vitamin C in citrus, and so on. On the other hand, Moringa leaves are packed with nutritious goodness. You’ll find iron, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C, magnesium and vitamin E.  Moringa powder is also a rich source of plant protein containing 2g of protein per 21g serving. The superfood contains all nine essential amino acids and is suitable for anyone living a vegetarian lifestyle.

Moringa Powder and Diabetes

A high blood sugar level is the defining characteristic of diabetes. It poses other health risks, such as heart disease. You have to regulate your blood sugar to within acceptable limits to avoid health complications. Fortunately, various studies have revealed that Moringa extracts can help lower blood sugar. Although most of the results are based on animal trials, human studies could further solidify this claim. One study conducted on a group of diabetics found that adding moringa leaves to their food reduced the rise in blood sugar significantly. Still, more research is needed to reveal the actual effect of Moringa on blood sugar. Nevertheless, the powder is still used to help prevent and combat diabetes.

Immune System Booster

Moringa is superb for boosting your immune system. For our bodies to stave off disease and infection, our immune system has to be in top shape. Moringa leaves are a rich source of iron and vitamin A, both of which are essential for our immune system. The superfood contains calcium and phosphorous. These minerals are essential for a healthy skeletal muscle system, and they also influence our immunity. Moringa extracts also contain niazimicin, a compound that prevents the growth of cancer cells.

Final Thoughts

Moringa is rapidly becoming a staple among many health-conscious consumers around the world. And its health properties are quickly gaining traction globally. Moringa powder is available in powder and capsule form. Though taking moringa capsules may not give you the same nutritional benefits as a balanced diet. Consistent incorporation of moringa powder into your diet will see you reap the health benefits of Moringa powder.

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