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The Health Benefits of Iron Supplements

Iron supplements are becoming increasingly popular due to the numerous health benefits of iron.  Some of the health benefits of iron supplements include improved cognitive function, increased red blood cell count, and an improved immune system to name a few.  Although you can obtain iron naturally through a healthy diet, iron supplements may still be necessary in some cases.

Why Iron Supplements?

Iron is one of the most essential minerals for human health. While iron is prevalent in all human cells, it is more abundant in red blood cells. Regulating iron levels has several health benefits, including the elimination of fatigue and many of its causes. Iron is also essential for immune system function, curing anemia, increasing hemoglobin, and many other things.

It is very uncommon for someone to experience negative health effects from consuming too much iron. When more iron is in the body than is required, the body will usually save it for later use. Most people acquire all of the iron that they need from their diet.  However, iron supplements may be necessary for some people depending on their age and health. 

Iron supplements are used to treat iron deficiency in the body. These supplements provide an immediate remedy for iron deficiency in pregnant women, women with heavy menstrual flow, delayed absorption, hemodialysis, or after consuming an iron-deficient meal.  The amount of iron that someone needs depends on their age, and adult women also require nearly twice as much iron as compared to adult men.

Are Iron Supplements Really Necessary?

Many forms of supplements, including vitamin E for example, are not entirely necessary given that certain vitamins and minerals can be obtained naturally through a healthy diet.  Iron is more of a gray area that should be assessed on a case-by-case basis in our opinion.  Yes, you can most likely obtain iron naturally through your diet without much effort, but the cost of not doing so is very high.  Iron deficiency can take a massive toll on your cognitive health, energy levels, and immune system.

If you decide to go the natural route, here are some of the most common types of food that have high levels of iron.

Meat: Iron is commonly found in many types of meat, most notably red meat.  This is one of the main reasons why those who consume a vegan or vegetarian diet are at a higher risk of iron deficiency if they don’t obtain iron from other food sources or iron supplements. 

Vegetables: Some of the best vegetables to consume if you want to boost your iron levels include spinach, chanterelle mushrooms, kale, and collard greens to name a few.

Nuts: Nuts such as peanuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnut, and pine nuts can help to boost your iron levels.

Seafood: Seafood is an excellent alternative to beef if you want to boost your iron levels by consuming meat.  Notably, other types of meat such as chicken do not have very high levels of iron.  You can consume food such as oysters, mussels, and sardines to boost your iron levels.  Unfortunately, common types of seafood such as salmon and tuna do not really have high iron levels.

Health Benefits of Iron Supplements

Below is an overview of some of the health benefits of iron.  Talk to your doctor about whether iron supplements are necessary for you based on your health condition.

Healthy pregnancies

Pregnant women are often emphasized to take up to 60 milligrams of iron supplements every day. The demand for iron nutrients in the body tends to increase more than usual for pregnant women. This is due to the increased blood and red blood cells supplied to both the mother and the fetus. That’s why pregnant women are highly advised to double their iron intake compared to other groups. If there is a deficiency of iron in a pregnant woman’s body, the fetus is at the risk of experiencing premature birth, low weight, and slow development.  Luckily, iron is also commonly found in many types of prenatal vitamins, which may be a more convenient option.

Reducing the Risk of Anemia

Iron nutrients are well known for the vital role they play in the production of red blood cells. 

The body produces millions of red blood cells every day, which are circulated in all body systems. A low count of these red blood cells is what causes what is known as Anemia. Medical experts have declared this disease deadly; therefore, it is best to prevent yourself from this risk by taking iron supplements.

Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia globally. Anemia occurs when hemoglobin levels fall below average. Anemia indications include exhaustion, dizziness, difficulty breathing, a rapid heart rate, and a general sensation of illness and weakness.  Although this is a serious health issue, it can easily be monitored through blood tests, and often resolved through diet supplementation or medication.

Improves athletic performance 

Improved athletic performance is one of the many health benefits of iron, which leads many athletes to choose to take iron supplements.  Athletes are required to be at their best physical state at all times. If the immunity system of an athlete is weak, so is their athletic performance. Iron supplements are highly recommended for female athletes because iron helps to transport oxygenated blood to the muscles and vice versa. It also increases their longevity, physical ability/strength, and endurance level.  It is also crucial to note that some studies have indicated that male athletes often have excess iron levels, which is not ideal.  It is best for athletes to monitor their iron levels on a continuous basis, and to turn to supplements if they have an iron deficiency or are at risk of becoming iron deficient.

Improves cognitive approach

Another underrated benefit of iron supplements in the body is their ability to increase cognitive levels. Iron supplements help to improve focus and concentration as one of the brain activities. Low levels of iron in the blood also lower cognitive performance, i.e., assertiveness, focus, and attention. Therefore, it is best to make it a habit to take iron supplements daily.

Lastly, iron supplements are to be taken only if there is a deficiency. It is crucial to maintain optimal levels of iron in the body. Keep in mind that too much of anything is harmful to your health. If you need iron for any other reason other than iron efficiency, please seek advice from a medical expert.  Studies have shown that iron deficiency anemia and non-iron deficiency anemia both have a negative impact on cognitive functioning.

Reduces Bruising

Individuals who bruise readily may be iron deficient or have low iron levels. This is due to hemoglobin’s influence on platelet synthesis and function, which regulates blood clotting. Bruising regularly indicates that internal clotting isn’t operating correctly. Iron supplements may be beneficial if low iron is the source of easy and regular bruising.

Immunity Booster

Iron is essential for the body’s immune strength. It stimulates hemoglobin, which supplies oxygen to injured cells, tissues, and systems and is required for the ability to fight everyday infections and diseases. As a result, the low iron level can impede immunological function and the recovery process.

Final Thoughts

When changes in diet alone are ineffective in reversing the underlying condition, iron supplements can help. Pregnant women, newborns, young children, strenuous exercisers, and people with specific medical disorders are more likely to have low iron status. They must have their iron levels checked regularly to ensure that they are able to enjoy the numerous health benefits of iron.

Iron supplements, in combination with other nutraceutical products, can help to improve your cognitive function, boost your immune system and help you to avoid certain health conditions.  You may be able to get enough iron from your diet, but iron supplements may help for select cases.

If you’re thinking about having your iron levels checked, remember to ask for a hematocrit and hemoglobin test in addition to a ferritin test. This composition is the most effective in detecting iron deficiency in its initial stages.

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