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5 Important Health Benefits of Astragalus Root

If you are interested in Chinese herbs, it is well worth the time to explore some of the health benefits of Astragalus root.

There are multiple Chinese herbs on the market, and they offer significant health benefits. Astragalus has been used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years. Today, scientists are looking to extract medicinal value from the root and to see if there are pharmacological applications.

There are several Astragalus species, but the Astragalus membranaceus is what is mainly used in supplements. The root has been shown to treat various types of health conditions, including heart conditions. Additionally, the plant has a rich antioxidant profile that kills free radicals and can alleviate various aging-related conditions.

In Ancient China, Astragalus was a standout medical ingredient. The root was made into teas and potions, which were used to treat a variety of ailments. The medicine was customarily used together with different herbs to strengthen your body’s response to disease.  However, Astragalus has become a popular nutraceutical product and has strong traction in the west as well due to its numerous health benefits of Astragalus.

Health Benefits

The Astragalus root contains antioxidants that keep your cells healthy. These compounds also ward off damage by free radicals. The root extract is an adaptogen and works to solidify your body’s response to various stresses. And there are plenty of benefits you can gain from this plant. Below are some of the main health benefits of Astragalus.

Immune System Booster

The Astragalus root boosts the body’s immune response by increasing the number of white blood cells. These cells are your first line of defense against pathogens in the body. Additionally, the root can help you fight against viral infections and alleviate allergies. Common cold, in particular, is often treated using Astragalus in China. Moreover, studies are looking to find out the efficacy of the root extract on AIDS treatment.

Improves Heart Health

Astragalus may also be able to help improve your heart health.  The extract enhances vasodilation in your blood vessels and improves blood flow to your heart. In specific tests, patients with heart failure exhibited improved symptoms after receiving Astragalus. Moreover, the extract harbors anti-inflammatory properties. Astragalus has been shown to contribute to treating myocarditis positively.

Chemotherapy and Fatigue

Astragalus has been shown to help reduce fatigue, and can consequently be a good add-on supplement for someone who is going through chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is often effective against cancerous cells. However, the treatment is draining, and patients often have to contend with fatigue and other symptoms. Astragalus is an adaptogen that enables your body to cope with different stress factors. For chemotherapy patients, Astragalus can alleviate extreme tiredness following chemo sessions. The root extract can also help with other chemotherapy symptoms. An IV administration of Astragalus proved effective against nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Helps Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

Astragalus can relieve Diabetes and is a top-selling treatment option for patients in China. Diabetes is characterized by abnormal blood glucose levels. This symptom triggers your cravings for more carbs, and you’ll have to contend with spiraling blood sugar levels. But Astragalus can improve the metabolism of sugar in your body which works to drop blood glucose. The plant is not an outright cure, but it can be helpful if used with other types of standard treatment. When used in conjunction with fasting, it can improve your blood sugar levels.

Helps with Kidney Function

Studies have shown that the Astragalus root has a positive effect on the health of your kidneys. The root extracts improve vasodilation and, consequently, blood flowing into the kidneys. Also, the substances improve the symptoms of proteinuria. Proteinuria is a condition whereby the kidneys dump a lot of protein into your urine. The organs are dysfunctional, and one clear sign is excessive protein components in the urine.

Where to Find Astragalus

There are different forms of processed Astragalus root. You’ll generally find liquid extracts, capsules, powders, and teas at the clinical store and even online. Astragalus can also be administered via injection or IV in a hospital.

For most people, Astragalus does not pose any serious health concerns. Still, you can encounter uncommon side effects like nasal discomforts, rash, itching, and diarrhea. There are several species of Astragalus root, and some are not meant for medicinal purposes. Some species contain excessive levels of selenium. Selenium is only good when taken in moderation, but it can cause unwanted side effects when extreme. Also, there is not enough info on the use of Astragalus during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It would be best to avoid it altogether.


Astragalus supplements will likely experience rapid growth due to the numerous health benefits of astragalus. Herbal medicines are certainly making a comeback. They are nature’s remedy to common ailments humans suffer from every day. Astragalus has been used to treat a myriad of diseases for centuries. You can take advantage of its rich history and rich profile to keep healthy. There are ongoing research studies into its use in treating terminal conditions like cancer and heart disease. However, you still need a doctor’s opinion before deciding to employ Astragalus.

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