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Health Benefits Of Gingko Biloba

Globally, Gingko Biloba is a prominent herbal medicine, which is gaining traction due to the numerous health benefits of Gingko Biloba. The tree from which significant medical components are extracted is a true marvel of nature. Various parts are used to treat a variety of ailments. The Chinese have traditionally exploited the tree’s nuts, leaves, and seeds for herbal potions. In modern times, ginkgo tree extracts are one of herbal medicine’s best sellers. The product is a potent antioxidant and also bears anti-inflammatory properties. There is a vast array of diseases this tree can treat, including cognitive ailments and physiological conditions.

The Gingko Biloba tree is one of the oldest tree species in the world. The tree traces its roots 170 million years back – around the Middle Jurassic epoch. Currently, it is endangered and only concentrated in two Chinese provinces. The species also boast a vast genome with thousands of predicted genes. This phenomenal property also contributes to the species’ longevity. The tree still grows in the wild, but it is uncommon.

Health Benefits of Gingko Biloba

Gingko Biloba tree bears dozens of phytochemicals that lend it its herbal properties. Some of the health benefits of Gingko Biloba are listed below.

Helps with Inflammation

Naturally, inflammation will occur in response to foreign materials in the body. However, prolonged inflammation can alter DNA and body tissues and lead to cancer. Nevertheless, Gingko Biloba seems to cut inflammation indicators in animal cells, so it may be able to reduce medical conditions triggered by inflammation.  The antinflammatory characterisitcs of Ginko Biloba may also be able to help with certain neurological conditions.

Mental health

Gingko improves blood circulation around the body and, in particular, to the brain. The herb also alleviates neuron damage and can improve your memory, which can help people struggling with various mental health disorders. In Europe, Gingko Biloba extracts are used to treat Alzheimer’s, dementia, and schizophrenia. The herb works well with other antipsychotic drugs to reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia. Common side effects of conventional antipsychotic medicines like thirst, constipation and movement disorder can be alleviated.

High Amount of Antioxidants

Gingko Biloba contains a wide range of chemical compounds like flavonoids and terpenoids. These bear antioxidant properties which curtail free radicals. Free radicals can damage body tissues and result in different types of cancerous cells. Gingko improves blood flow within the body by boosting the levels of nitric oxide. The oxide plays a role in dilating blood vessels, thereby enhancing circulation.

Dosage and Interactions

Gingko leaf extracts are commonly used in medications. Adults can take between 40-60mg daily for about six months. The benefits are generally slow to manifest, and you’ll have to wait for at least a month. The Gingko tree is pretty toxic in its unprocessed form. Even when converted to medicines, Gingko Biloba is only reserved for adults. Children, epileptics and pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid the herb.

Anticoagulants such as warfarin will produce undesirable side effects when used with Gingko extracts. Additionally, if you are on antidepressants, Gingko Biloba shouldn’t be used alongside your prescription. Gingko reduces the effectiveness of serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The herb can also increase your risk of contracting fatal serotonin syndrome.

The seeds of the Gingko tree are highly poisonous in an unprocessed state. Roasting will temper the toxins, but taking up to ten pellets isn’t recommended. The Gingko leaf is the safest. The moderate use of Gingko Biloba extracts will rarely result in adverse side effects. Side effects that will occur following excessive dosages include:

Gastrointestinal discomfort and Diarrhea

Headaches and dizziness


Increased bleeding time in pregnant women


Gingko Biloba has a rich natural and cultural history. The tree was initially used in ancient China to treat asthma and improve cognitive abilities. However, the plant found its way into Europe and eventually Carol Linnaeus’ record.

The Gingko Biloba tree is hugely beneficial to the world of herbal medicine. The tree’s extracts provide an organic substitute to pharmaceutical products.

Nevertheless, more research should be conducted into the effectiveness of Gingko tree medications. Also, the tree contains some highly toxic chemicals like alkylphenols. The seeds are also poisonous, and a doctor must approve its use as a medicine.

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