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Examining the Apple Cider Vinegar Hype

Apple cider vinegar is quickly becoming a kitchen staple in many households and it can easily be found in virtually every grocery store in the United States. The production of ACV follows a series of fermentation processes whose end product is acetic acid. The acid is what gives the vinegar its strong smell and sour taste. Even though apple cider vinegar is very popular, studies about the health benefits of apple cider vinegar are somewhat limited, and frequently conflict with many positive claims found online.

Organic, raw, and unpasteurized ACV contains what is called the mother. The mother consists of enzymes, protein strands, and good bacteria that give ACV a cloudy appearance. Some people believe that many of the vinegar benefits come from the mother.

ACV can easily be added to stews and salads and is most commonly added to various types of tea. Ginger tea with honey and apple cider vinegar is a common remedy for colds or sore throats. Apple cider vinegar can benefit your gut health as well. 

The apple cider vinegar market is projected to grow by over 12% per annum through 2027, outpacing many types of nutraceutical products that we write about.

Some of ACV’s Health Benefits

Here are a few potential health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

Helps With Digestion

Apple cider vinegar activates various digestive enzymes in the stomach. Many enzymes are usually dormant and require a specific pH to activate. ACV usually has a pH between 2.5-3.3, which is quite acidic and suitable for stimulating digestion. Taking ACV can also stimulate the release of bile and enzymes from the pancreas. These two play a vital role in ensuring the complete digestion of proteins. ACV is also used to relieve bloating and indigestion, partly due to the full breakdown of protein.

One study even found that apple cider vinegar could be beneficial for people with type 1 diabetes,  as slower digestion can make it harder for diabetics to control their blood sugar levels.

Helps Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

Experts widely regard ACV as an antihyperglycemic, which means that it reduces the blood sugar level. Consuming ACV after a meal can inhibit the enzymes that break down starches. This ensures that the starch goes through the digestive system without getting absorbed.

It is very crucial to note that medical professionals assert that apple cider vinegar is not a cure or treatment for diabetes.  However, it can help to moderate blood glucose levels, in the same way that many other nutraceutical products can as well.

Eliminates Bacteria

The high acidity of ACV provides an unsuitable environment for bacteria to thrive. These antibacterial properties make it an excellent preservative and a cleaning agent.

The ancient Greek healer Hippocrates is said to have used ACV to clean his patients’ wounds. Taking ACV can also be beneficial in killing pathogens in your stomach. Acetic acid can help manage conditions like small intestine bacteria overgrowth (SIBO). This occurs when bacteria grow in the small intestine instead of the large intestine. Taking ACV creates a state that prevents bacteria from thriving in the small intestine.

It may also be useful to add apple cider vinegar to foods to help reduce bacteria and to potentially reduce the risk of getting food poisoning.

Weight Loss

Some studies have shown that taking apple cider vinegar can help you to feel more full, thus reducing the risk of excessive eating and subsequent weight gain.  Once you feel full, you will consume fewer calories than usual and eventually lose weight.  Some randomized controlled trials have shown that apple cider vinegar shows some promise in helping obese or overweight people lose weight.

ACV also increases insulin sensitivity which is related to lower blood sugar levels. Low blood sugar levels inhibit food cravings, leading to fewer calories consumed. However, it’s worth noting that long-term weight loss will occur after adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Skin Health

The human skin is naturally acidic, and using ACV can help bring a natural pH balance to the skin. Various alkaline skin products may cause irritation and other breakouts. Owing to its antibacterial properties, ACV can, in theory, help prevent skin infections such as eczema and acne. Some people commonly mix it with water to make a facial wash. Though, due to the high acidity of ACV, it may cause skin irritation for some people. Always consult your physician before using this product on your skin.

This is one of the least likely benefits of apple cider vinegar, which has been contested by some studies.

Final Thoughts

ACV has risen in popularity over the years. Many natural healthcare advocates claim that the acid has many uses with tremendous health benefits like a heightened immune response. On the other hand, there is little research to support some of these claims, and specific claims about skin health are likely not true.

However, there is evidence that ACV may offer benefits in managing blood sugar, killing pathogens, and encouraging weight loss. That said, ACV is a fantastic product that provides many health benefits. Moreover, it is perfectly safe when taken in moderate amounts and mixed in with water.

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