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Health Benefits of Lucuma Powder

Lucuma, which is a fruit that grows on lucuma trees, is found only in Chile, Ecuador, & Peru. However, most consumers actually purchase lucuma powder, which fruit is dried at low temperatures to retain nutrients and then crushed into a fine powder. Lucuma powder is used as a natural healthy sweetener, in lieu of sugar or other alternative sweeteners such as Splenda or Stevia. Let’s take a look at the many potential health benefits of lucuma powder.

Health Benefits of Lucuma

Lucuma is naturally gluten-free and vegan, the lucuma fruit tastes like an avocado mixed with pear and has a dry, mealy texture. The sweet taste of lucuma powder also makes it an excellent baking staple. Fresh lucuma fruit is hard to get by outside of South America, although its flour, pulp, or puréed forms may be found in many health foods and Latin American supermarkets.

There is ample growth potential for the lucuma powder market, given that it can be added to both foods and drinks, and also because many consumers are searching for new, healthy alternative sweeteners. The lucuma powder market is projected to reach $1.45 billion by 2027, growing at over 4% per annum.

A Natural Aid to the Symptoms of Diabetes

People who are struggling with diabetes, often have to monitor the glycemic index of the foods they eat or avoid eating excessive carbs or sugars. Luckily, lucuma powder may be a healthy addition to the diet of someone who is diabetic.

Lucuma extracts were proven to reduce Type 2 diabetes-related hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and hypertension according to information presented in a WebMD article. There are more complex carbs in lucuma than simple ones (such as sugars and starches). Carbohydrates with a longer half-life, such as lucuma, are less likely to cause blood sugar increases than those with a shorter half-life, like sugar.

A glycemic index is a useful tool for people with diabetes to plan their meals since it allows them to see how carbs affect their blood sugar levels. Lucuma powder has a lower glycemic index, which means it’s better for keeping blood sugar levels stable over time.

However, the glycemic index score can be affected by various factors, making it difficult to validate or reject lucuma’s low glycemic index score without more studies.

Lucuma May Help Lower Blood Pressure

Recent research conducted in 2009 found that lucuma had the potential to help lower one’s blood pressure. This study focused on the health benefits of lucuma powder, among many other types of Peruvian fruits. This could be related to many different factors but is most likely a result of the high level of antioxidants in lucuma and other Peruvian fruits. Consequently, lucuma is beneficial for both heart as well as health & diabetes management, since it can help lower your blood pressure. 

Ample Amount of Antioxidants/Flavanoids

One of the main health benefits of lucuma powder is that it contains an abundance of antioxidants, which benefit the human body in many ways. Most notably, the consumption of antioxidants can help protect the body from free radical damage. Many types of nutraceutical products have been gaining popularity in the past few decades because of the high levels of antioxidants in these products.

Lucuma is also very healthy because of the number of flavonoids that it has. The flavonoids found in lucuma are abundant, as reported in a 2010 study. Antioxidant and inflammation-reducing flavonoids are responsible for your food’s brilliant color as well as its lively taste, and flavonoids have a plethora of health benefits. Research from the University Of Oregon shows that flavonoids can help with inflammation and that they also have anti-cancer and neuroprotective properties.

Nutritional Profile: Iron, Fiber, and Potassium

Lucuma is a good source of carbohydrates because it is a fruit. It can be very healthy to consume a moderate amount of carbohydrates from fruits, rather than consuming traditional high-carb food, which may not be very healthy. Notably, lucuma has a low glycemic index, so it won’t interfere with your blood sugar levels and is suitable for those with diabetes as well. There are several vitamins and minerals in cumin powder, making it a nutritious addition to your diet.

As an excellent source of iron, lucuma may be useful in the prevention of anemia. This is particularly helpful for women, as women are more vulnerable to this condition and athletes need to ensure adequate iron levels to perform at their best. Scoop lucuma powder into your daily smoothies if you’re prone to anemia and want to prevent it.

Lucuma has a lot of potassium, which is great for muscle repair. An excellent pick for a workout and endurance athletes in general, this is a fantastic option. Of course nonathletes or people who only moderately exercise can benefit from consuming more potassium, as potassium can help your health in many ways.

Lucuma May Assist in Achieving Healthy, Radiant Skin

Lucuma is highly abundant in Vitamin C, calcium, and potassium, making it an excellent source of these critical nutrients for healthy skin. Some studies have also shown that lucuma can help with skin regeneration and wellness. Your pals will be astounded to find that lucuma powder is the secret to your radiant skin. Lucuma has health benefits when consumed, but it may also be used topically. The wound-healing and skin regeneration characteristics of lucuma oil were studied in a paper published in the year 2010.

Other Potential Health Benefits

Lucuma powder may be able to help people’s physical and mental health in other ways. Lucuma is very abundant in fiber, which can help with issues such as indigestion. Given that lucuma can help lower blood pressure, and is abundant in antioxidants, it is possible that lucuma could help with heart issues and other issues, in the same way, that other nutraceutical products potentially could.

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