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How to Increase Your NAD+ Levels with NR Supplements

Many adventurers sought the fountain of youth because let’s face it, human life is brutally short. However, scientists may have discovered the elixir that will slow down aging.

NAD+ is a phenomenal molecule nested right inside our cells. It plays a massive role in ensuring our wellbeing and long-term health. Additionally, increased NAD+ levels present a wealth of health benefits that you can make life more relaxing and enjoyable. 

This article will focus on various ways to increase your NAD+ levels, either through supplementation ( NR supplements) or through your diet and exercise.

What Is NAD+?

NAD+ is an acronym for Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. The helper molecule is relatively large and is assembled inside our cells.

NAD+ is crucial for proper cell functioning and energy metabolism. The coenzyme is particularly crucial for mitochondrial activity. Other functions of NAD+ revolve around sirtuins – proteins that regulate biological pathways.

The Role Of NAD+ Inside Out Bodies

NAD+ results from Nicotinamide riboside works hand-in-hand with mitochondria found inside every cell. The molecule regulates biological pathways that are crucial for a host of critical physiological processes. 

Your body tends to expend resources as chemical energy to maintain your health and wellness. So you’ll need to replenish your stores to maintain a normal lifestyle. 

NAD+ delivers the juice needed for energy metabolism, DNA repair, and cell defense. The coenzyme also plays a role in maintaining your circadian rhythm.

Why you Should Increase your NAD+ Levels

The role of NAD+ at a cellular level seems pretty basic – ensure adequate mitochondrial functioning via sirtuins. However, a domino effect will instigate following adequate NAD+ levels allowing you to enjoy a wide range of health benefits.

There are a wide variety of reasons why you should increase your NAD+ levels.  In doing so, you can help combat memory loss and reduce the impact of other health issues that occur as you continue to age.

Combat Memory loss

Many types of nutraceutical products offer natural remedies to help prevent the onset of various cognitive issues or to alleviate symptoms afterward. As we age, we lose the ability to do a lot of things. Our cells slowly deteriorate, and the effect is evident in how we struggle to maintain an upright posture, for instance. The same decline happens inside our brains in the form of neuronal damage and oxidative stress.  

However, NAD+ raises the amount of PGC-1-alpha in your body. This protein restricts impaired mitochondria and oxidative stress, two conditions that are a precursor for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.  Various studies have linked aging with declining NAD+ levels, and support that you can combat various cognitive issues that emerge as you age by increasing your NAD+ levels.

Promotes muscle gain and increased physcial activity

One of the most prominent negative features of aging is the resulting low energy levels. Our muscle structure takes a hit, and we can’t do most of the things we used to in our youth. 

In one research study, scientists tested mice with reduced NAD+ levels for muscle strength and overall endurance. After receiving NR supplements in their drinking water, the mice exhibited heightened physical activity. 

NAD+ encourages DNA repair and consequently muscle tissue regeneration. If you’re working out, get ready to experience the benefits of unbounded strength and endurance as you age.

Reduced Risk of Weight Gain

NAD+ supports oxidative metabolism. This compound activates SIRT1 and SIRT3, which increases the breakdown of fat for energy. This way, even if you take a high-fat diet, you have a reduced risk of weight gain and increased energy levels.

Healthy Aging: Risk of Heart Disease

The thought of involuntary aging and our bodies diminishing with time has haunted man since the dawn of civilization. It is the driving force behind medical research aimed at finding a cure for cell and tissue deterioration.  Various studies have even shown that having appropriate Nad+ levels can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

The mitochondria are the body’s powerhouse and optimize physiological processes. Fortunately, NAD+ helps replenish mitochondrial numbers in our cells. Additionally, improving levels of SIRT6 keeps telomeres lengthy. These are DNA structures that ensure human longevity

How You Can Increase your NAD+ Levels For A Healthy Life

NAD+ levels will gradually diminish with age. That’s why older people experience plummeting energy levels, increased weight gain, memory loss, and generally increased disease risks.  This is why it is important for you to develop strategies to increase your NAD+ levels, especially if you are older or struggling with other types of health issues.

You can, however, replenish NAD+ levels if you follow the following steps:

NR Supplements ( Nicotine Riboside)

Nicotine Riboside is a precursor to NAD+ and is a form of Vitamin B3. The prominent food sources include chicken, turkey, peanuts, and milk.  NR supplements can be taken if you want to increase your NAD+ levels.  The side effects of NR supplements are very mild if they occur, and include nausea, sweating, or itching. 

Restricting Calorie Intake and fasting

By fasting, you expose your body to stress. And the levels of NAD+ and SIRT1 increase to counter the shock on your body. Ketogenic and low-carb diets also elicit a similar effect.


Keeping fit is the easiest and most effective means of increasing NAD+ levels. While straining our muscles, we’re effectively forcing the replication of mitochondria to sustain a workout. This process effectively boosts NAD+ levels.  It is also crucial to note that excessive exposure to sunlight can be bad for you, as it lowers your NAD levels.

The Takeaway

While we have not discovered immortality, we can consider alternative ways to slow down aging.   Increasing your NAD+ levels is one way that you can ensure that you mitigate the negative impacts of aging.  By leveraging Nicotinamide riboside, or Niacin, we can slow down the aging process by improving a host of physiological processes inside our bodies. 

Increased NAD+ levels improve our memory function, strength, weight loss, and longevity. What’s more, once you know how NAD+ operates, you can consider natural ways of improving your mitochondrial function and reap the benefits for the foreseeable future.  Some nutraceutical products can help you increase your NAD+ levels, including NR supplements.  However, a lot of natural factors such as diet and exercise also do play a key role.

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