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Health Benefits of Reishi Mushrooms

This blog post will cover some of the top health benefits of reishi mushrooms, which have a long history of use for various medicinal purposes.

Humans have been consuming many types of mushrooms, including reishi mushrooms, for ages.  Many types of mushrooms have been used as both food and medicine.  In fact, mushrooms were used medicinally even as early as 350 BC, when the Greek Physician Hippocrates used mushrooms to help with cauterizing wounds and to be used as an anti-inflammatory product.  Reishi mushrooms are native to China and have been used extensively in this region for medical relief. Traditional healers and shamans greatly revered the plant. 

Naturally, reishi mushrooms are bitter, and the extracted forms can be unbearable. Therefore, it is often mixed with other types of products such as cinnamon, turmeric, chai, masala, and ginger. You can consume the fungus immediately after picking it up or use it as a powder or liquid extract. Today, there is a lot of ongoing research that seeks to ascertain whether the historic beliefs around the plant hold water. The fungus bears a variety of polysaccharides, peptidoglycans, and different terpenes, which provide significant health benefits.

Health Benefits of Reishi Mushrooms

Currently, reishi mushrooms are a very popular type of nutraceutical product and can be found in powdered form at many health food stores.  The Global Reishi market is valued at $3.2 billion and is projected to grow by 8% per annum through 2027. Below are some of the main health benefits of reishi mushrooms. It is crucial to note that some lower-quality reishi supplements may not actually contain reishi mushrooms.

Helps Boost the Immune System

Reishi mushroom is a widely acclaimed ingredient that can boost your immune system. This effect results from the polysaccharides found in reishi mushrooms.

Studies reveal that reishi acts as a modulator for white blood cells to ensure proper immune function. In particular, the fungus enhances the activity of dendritic cells, lymphocytes, and natural killer cells. All these cells are important actors in the fight against infection. Furthermore, some therapists are employing reishi to boost the immune system in HIV patients.

Relieves Fatigue

Frequent exposure to various stressors can leave you feeling mentally and physically drained. Fortunately, the reishi mushroom is an adaptogen. Adaptogens are substances that help the body combat stress. Reishi’s adaptogenic effect stems from its immune-boosting and antioxidant properties. The fungus can also increase testosterone levels, which directly affects your energy levels. Reishi is especially useful in patients undergoing cancer treatment. Some human studies have found that reishi helps reduce levels of inflammation caused by chemotherapy.

May Help with Cancer

Some in vitro studies have even suggested that reishi mushrooms, among other mushrooms, may have anti-cancer properties.  

Reishi is a common adjuvant used in treating cancer. The ingredient is used alongside conventional cancer medication to boost its effectiveness. A study on 4,000 breast cancer survivors revealed that 59% consumed reishi mushrooms.

Additionally, other studies have found that reishi can reduce the size of colorectal adenoma and reverse prostate cancer.

Further laboratory studies show that reishi can kill cancer cells. Some cancers are immunosuppressive and hinder the immune system from acting. However, reishi mushrooms can stimulate the immune system to maintain proper functioning against cancer cells.

However, more high-quality studies are needed to shed more light on reishi in managing cancer.

Liver Function

Reishi mushrooms are rich in antioxidant substances that help mitigate cell damage. Antioxidants are particularly useful in the liver since they metabolize toxins.

Reishi improves the antioxidant function of the liver and protects it from oxidative damage. A healthy liver can be vital for some other benefits attributed to reishi.

A study on mice found that reishi reduces liver damage caused by alcohol. Nevertheless, this shouldn’t be an incentive to overindulge in alcohol as you are better off preventing an illness.

May Help Regulate Blood Sugar

Some animal studies reveal that certain compounds in reishi mushrooms can decrease blood sugar. Other human studies also found similar results. However, many similar studies have found results that contrast this claim. They found no significant change in the fasting blood sugar. More research is needed before we can point to anything conclusive.


Although preliminary data points to a highly beneficial fungus, further research is still needed to draw any conclusions about how effective reishi mushrooms are. Some studies showed that the reishi negatively affected the test subject’s kidneys. In others, the supplement failed to manifest any meaningful impact.

Nevertheless, the reishi plant is a standout plant favored by Eastern herbalists. Also, the use of the fungus goes back to the dawn of ancient Chinese civilization.

You can include the supplement into your diet to strengthen your immune response. However, you need to consult your doctor before using reishi to treat high blood sugar. Similarly, further human trials are necessary to reconcile the impact of reishi on cholesterol levels.

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